Credit Risk Scoring: Our Decision Support System Developed for Risk Management and Fraud Prevention.

To address the challenges our customers face in risk management and fraud prevention, we have developed a specially designed decision support application. This application aims to facilitate the risk management process for your business by providing a customizable and tailored software solution to meet your specific needs. Through our developed software, we assist in managing risk and preventing fraud by enabling proactive measures for our customers’ businesses, ensuring a more secure operating environment.

The Credit Risk Scoring Application assists throughout the business process lifecycle by predicting and mitigating future risks. For example, our credit risk scoring application enables you to effectively assess the credit risk status of your customers and identify high-risk clients.

Kredi Risk Skorlama Uygulaması İş süreci yaşam döngüsü boyunca ortaya çıkan ve gelecekteki riskleri tahmin ederek ve azaltmanıza yardımcı olur.  Örneğin, “Müşterilerinizin kredi risk durumunu etkili bir şekilde değerlendirmek için geliştirdiğimiz kredi risk skorlama uygulaması ile yüksek riskli müşterileri tespit edebilirsiniz.

Risk Management

We provide assistance to our clients in enhancing the efficiency of their risk management processes. Our risk management application is designed to closely monitor our clients’ business operations, facilitating the identification of potential risks. Leveraging specially developed algorithms, our application provides accurate analyses to minimize risks effectively.

Fraud Payment

Our developed decision support application empowers our clients to detect fraud risks effectively. By detecting fraud threats within predefined rules, our application ensures more efficient management of the risk management process. Additionally, our application assists clients in reporting and analyzing fraud processes.

Secure Data Management

The security of our clients’ sensitive data is our top priority. Our decision support application ensures the secure storage of our clients’ data. Engineered with robust and reliable mechanisms, our application guarantees the protection of customer data.

Querying customer risk status from bank credit centers.

Ability to perform credit risk scoring and scoring.

Scoring based on previous behaviors.

Assessment in conjunction with corporate approval processes.

Reducing credit losses by identifying high-risk customers.

Making credit decisions faster and more accurately.

Offering customized credit proposals based on customer behaviors.

Let’s Develop Your Needs Together

To learn more about our Credit Scoring Decision Support System product and to inquire about custom pricing/support or other inquiries for your business, we invite you to contact us directly.